TG頻道、群組搜尋機器,Chat GPT使用,盡情暢覽你想搜的群組吧!
TG channel, group search machine, chat GPT use, browse the group you want to search with high precision!
Please share your thoughts, analysis and graphs with the community, fundamental or technical, all is appreciated by our members!News by @biergodnewsBTC tipjar:1DqTKgy9coB7XeouGoBvLXzo198WZhX8qt
文言維基大典<br>Classical Chinese Wikipedia<br>【文辭雅正 學問淵深】<br><br><br>Monitor: <a href="">@cvn_zho</a> , Telegram Messenger<br><br>IRC channel: #wikipedia-lzh , Freenode<br><br>Tencent QQ Group:<br>80507045 (group number)<br>維基大典編纂者會館 (group name)<br> (invite link)