韃靼利亞 Tartaria,一個先進文明,貌似不久前被毀滅。精美建築遺跡遍佈世界,而更多未知仍在泥土中。
讓我們來共同探討,文化,科技,歷史,和文明。Nothing new under the sun.
We're searching for truths about ancient civilizations, history, hidden knowledge, technologies, mysteries and curiosities, we may not have heard.
Hydrogen sounds like the key of E, is color of yellow.
Yellow is Amarillo in Spanish. The Amarillo in Texas is the the center of helium gas.
Helium vs hydrogen? Why.
氢气 对应音乐的E ,是黄色。
黄色是西班牙语中的 Amarillo。德州的Amarillo出产氦气。
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