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SONM (Global Fog Computing)Sonm provides cloud services based on distributed customer level hardware including PCs, mining equipment, and servers. You can either rent out your hardware or use someone’s computing power for your needs.
Essentia is a masternode powered blockchain that enables interoperability and cross-chain transactions. It is an ‘all-in-one platform’ that manages all things crypto. With Essentia users can: trade, swap, and add liquidity. Integrated with L2 transactions
AdvisoryNetwork is a Blockchain based Consultant Software as a Service that provides a solid solution for any companies and individuals want to provide consulting services through voice calls and video calls.
Primary Language is English<br>Don't post any NSFW content here<br>Be nice<br>Send code screenshot as a file not compressed or either use online pastebins<br>Have a nice time here.<br>Thanks.<br>Chat stats:<br><br>