This group does not violate any Telegram rules. Note that this group operates legally in Iran. Thank you for your cooperation, dear ones, and thank you (@Durov) who created it.
Our official group is @Telegram
🛸 AIGAT is an exchange that combines lattice arbitrage strategies with artificial intelligence technology.🛸 The trading platform is based on the principles of delta arbitrage and utilizes advanced developments in artificial intelligence.
【华人在外】广告介绍 @Guanggao【华人在外】108个聊天大群 @huaren【国人在外】101聊天大群 @guoren50万人供需发布频道 @daifa资源广告自助发布 @C4bot全网爆料频道 @baoliao🔍AV搜片群 @AVpian🔎搜群神器 @sosuo吃瓜搞笑爆料 @Chigua开车频道群组 @kaiche招聘频道 @zhaopin求职甩人 @qiuzhi免费群管机器人 @qunbot中文安装 @zhongwen☎️唯一广告负责联系人 @DDDDDD