We are a group of Bitcoin users forking Bitcoin back to its original vision of scaling on-chain to the world; with or without miner majority.<br><br>http://bitcoinforks.org<br>https://www.reddit.com/r/btcfork/<br><br>Chat rules at <a href="https://t.me/TermsConditions">@TermsConditions</a>
DECENT is a blockchain innovator with its own platform, DCore, empowering users to rapidly create and migrate business-ready, scalable and decentralized applications. 🌎 decent.ch📥 [email protected]
We are a group of Bitcoin users forking Bitcoin back to its original vision of scaling on-chain to the world; with or without miner majority.<br><br>http://bitcoinforks.org<br>https://www.reddit.com/r/btcfork/<br><br>Chat rules at <a href="https://t.me/TermsConditions">@TermsConditions</a>