Welcome to the discussion group for L Speed!To any newcomers, we're so sorryChannel: https://t.me/L_SPEEDxda-developers: https://forum.xda-developers.com/apps/l-speedG+: https://plus.google.com/communities/114615858954464149084
Group for programming with unix-like systems and respecting the unix philosophy.Plan9, BSD, Linux, Solaris and all unix-like operating systems and POSIX related stuff.C,Perl,Sh,Python,Lua...X,Ncurses,Latex...Channel: @unixsourceGroup: @unixcoders
WWE TALK™-▪EST: December 29th, 2014. ▪New Era: August 8th,2016 - August 19th, 2017"NO DRAMA,WE ARE A FAMILY HERE"-☆Owner/Chairmen: aarontgod♤CEO: Dejurej-?WWA Telegram Champion: Phenomenal (7 days) (On Hold)
~~~~~~~~~STICK TO~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ENGLISH~~~~~~~~~- Names are just nonsense- Feel free and enjoy Porn = banGroup Link :==> https://t.me/eng_troublemakers <== CREATOR : @digisata~~~~~~~~~~THANKS~~~~~~~~~~