International group of C/C++ programming. Only english language is allowed. Rules are in the pinned message.All messages, media posted in this group will be under the Creative Commons Licence.Rules -
Omnitude RulesBe polite - No abuse, no discrimination,No FUDNo Spam - inc. No Referral / AD linksNo NSFW ContentEnglish Please- We have other channels for non-English speakers.
If your not about business. If your not looking for knowledge or don’t have knowledge to give. Dont request a join. If you are into video technology + trick cameras and specialize in flawless false im
【禁止讨论政治/色情/暴力/赌博】 【禁止转发任何你不知真伪的消息】 【禁止发布频道推广及各类广告/链接】 【勿相信他人发布的广告信息,避免上当】 TG音乐 TG中文频道大全 破解软件分享频道