~~~~~~~~~STICK TO~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ENGLISH~~~~~~~~~- Names are just nonsense- Feel free and enjoy Porn = banGroup Link :==> https://t.me/eng_troublemakers <== CREATOR : @digisata~~~~~~~~~~THANKS~~~~~~~~~~
Official Civic Network groupwww.civic.comSupport: @CivicSupportBotAnnouncements: t.me/civicnewsGUIDELINES--No harassment of members or profanity.--No spamming, advertisements, solicitation, or links to your own websites.--Respect members' views.
There's no denying that the human race is under attack by so-called globalist ruling elites, aka Luciferian Illuminati Freemasons, especially Americans. Stop the spraying of health-degrading nano-particles on the mind-controlled masses world-wide.
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