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Official Civic Network groupwww.civic.comSupport: @CivicSupportBotAnnouncements: harassment of members or profanity.--No spamming, advertisements, solicitation, or links to your own websites.--Respect members' views.
Welcome to the Swift Off-Topic Chat!Go hamNo NSFWNo promotions (except themes)Have an AvatarNo PiracyNo Drama pleaseBe Nice to everyoneAlphabet tings onlyPer (not you Johansson 😂) and Davide are the Gods here and Rawad (occasionally)!
從事資訊科技相關行業的人<br>之間的日常生活閒聊<br><br>[禁] 挑起筆戰<br>[禁] 人身攻擊<br>[禁] 洗版<br><br>Chinese Only.<br>群主: <a href="">@barneybook</a><br>以下為其他IT群組:<br>[JavaScript/Node. TW] <a href="">@JavaScriptTw</a><br>[MongoDB . TW] <a href="">@MongoDB_TW</a><br>[Golang 台灣] <a href="">@golangtw</a><br>[台灣PHP社區] <a href="">@PHP_TW</a><br>[Git . tw] <a href="">@GitTw</a>