Join one of the most promising ICOs of 2018, sign up for the pre-sale at<br><br>White Paper URL :
Shopin was meant to be transforming retail into a distributed "Amazon", powered by decentralizing all of retail's purchase data, groundbreaking A.I. tools, decentralized universal shopper profile and cryptocurrency for retail/ eCommerce.
Hi #ICPeople, we are deprecating this group and creating a new OFFICIAL one for the Internet Computer Protocol. all of you to migrate to the new one to enjoy a better experience, contribute to the adoption of ICP,
Welcome to @CryptoCharity > @CryptoCommunities > @Crypto100% donations go to charity100% transparentWant to add your group to this list? send your link to @ListMe @SkywirePSA @skywire_reward @SkycoinGithubGROUP RULES: MARKETING / LISTING / PROMOTION SOLICITATIONS OF ANY KIND!DO NOT MESSAGE ADMINS!FAILURE TO COMPLY = BAN
Join one of the most promising ICOs of 2018, sign up for the pre-sale at<br><br>White Paper URL :