Culture Call Season! Do it for the Culture, do not forget to DYOR. For Promotion And For Shilling Raids apply to get into the discussion
Stay inspired by discussing all kinds of SFW creative Works In Progress. Sewing, sculpting, craft, fursuits, costumes, artwork & more! Like an online studio space with others!Rules & participation info here:
本群不是一個自由的群,一切以群主的喜怒為行事準則,群主和 Admin 享有獨斷專行的權力,不限制話題,每個人都享有言論自由,禁止無意義的謾罵,禁止霸凌他人,歡迎大家用不同的觀點碰撞出智慧的火花,以上。<br><br>PS:如出現不可調和的矛盾,按照群主本人的喜好做出抉擇!<br><br>切記:不要惹怒群主、不要惹怒群主、不要惹怒群主。重要的事情說三次!!!!?????