Meeting point to talk about:<br><br>✳️ Telegram, News and Bots<br>✳️ IM services (WhatsApp, FB Messenger, etc.)<br>✳️ Social Networks<br>✳️ Technology<br>❌ Sharing APK or Executables<br>✳️ Only in English<br><br>Problems? just type /report<br><a href="">@geekschannel</a>
✍️வாழ்க தமிழ்🙏வெல்க தமிழ் World 1st Tamil Blockchain and Crypto Group since 2016.@tamil_btc @nammacryptoVisit : www.tamilbtc.comAdmins @er_vinothkumar @tamilbtc_comDYOR-It's Not Investment Advice
Cryptelo ( is next-gen cybersecurity company protecting businesses and consumers from data misuse.Cryptelo offers high-end blockchain-based products that protect sensitive data of any kind in simple and comfortable manner.
Discussions around the Elixir programming language.Elixir is a dynamic, functional language designed for building scalable, predictable and maintainable applications.
Waves blockchain platform: custom token issuance, peer-to-peer transfer and trading. All you need to know about Wavesplatform you can find here: @AboutWaves
Meeting point to talk about:<br><br>✳️ Telegram, News and Bots<br>✳️ IM services (WhatsApp, FB Messenger, etc.)<br>✳️ Social Networks<br>✳️ Technology<br>❌ Sharing APK or Executables<br>✳️ Only in English<br><br>Problems? just type /report<br><a href="">@geekschannel</a>