It's a group for people from all over the world to practice English - and make friends - that is organized by @violaclub and @violaschool. Please, follow the #ViolaRules and speak English only.
Find your inner peace. The place with positive energy and acceptance of you aa you are, where you are and who you are. You are here to continue growing and reach your potential.
The Global Urban Forum is a discussion and sharing community. We encourage people to exchange some knowledge through some topics given.Please join the channel @globalurban_channel And the speaking group :
群內不含任何政治及銷售 其他事宜,請自行努力 🍕🍾🍲🥂 輕鬆吹水,互相尊重🤝 歡迎出閃圖,請各位自行判斷出閃圖風險🙏 本谷對任何 感情糾紛/錢銀瓜葛/私人恩怨 恕不負責