Essentia is a masternode powered blockchain that enables interoperability and cross-chain transactions. It is an ‘all-in-one platform’ that manages all things crypto. With Essentia users can: trade, swap, and add liquidity. Integrated with L2 transactions
Sapphire is the exclusive currency for the skill game with the world’s biggest jackpot for it's kind. The Sapphire enables people to win some of the highest prices in the history and allows people to use the coin worldwide with free buy & sell.
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Decentralized global network making the internet blind to borders.🧬 The protocol:💰 Run a node:👻 Use MysteriumVPN:
DASH REVOLUTIONARY DIGITAL MONEY SYSTEM.Instant transactions and micro-fees. Any amount, anytime, anywhere.This Official Dash Chat - @dash_chatDash Admin - @Tungfa
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