If your not about business. If your not looking for knowledge or don’t have knowledge to give. Dont request a join. If you are into video technology + trick cameras and specialize in flawless false im
Semi-official chat moderated by the community and Golem Team.Official: https://chat.golem.network. Golem creates the first global market for idle computer power https://golem.network
BuzzShow is a video-centric blockchain-enabled social media platform that rewards the creation, curation and viewing of online videos.Sign up on the platform: https://buzzshow.comDownload the mobile app: https://bit.ly/2I7Qebo
Essentia is a masternode powered blockchain that enables interoperability and cross-chain transactions. It is an ‘all-in-one platform’ that manages all things crypto. With Essentia users can: trade, swap, and add liquidity. Integrated with L2 transactions
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