All Bitcoin, Cryptocurrency related Chat. No referral linking, no spamming. No advertising of your own services. If someone pm's you it's probably a scam.
Website: https://silentnotary.comBased on UBIX.Network integrated blockchains: https://ubix.networkSet up your Silent Notary account: @Lynx_01 @Klowert
The Original Hardware WalletTrezor Blog: https://blog.trezor.ioWiki: https://wiki.trezor.ioTwitter:!Admin's WON'T DM you / never share your seed!
《《👁🗨❌❌❌👁🗨》》 گروه سوسکی چت قوانین《《👁🗨❌❌❌👁🗨》》لینک دربیو نزار ✔️استیکر فیلم نفرست ✔️ لفت نده چون از دست میدی دست اول بودنتو✔️ با ربات یک بار کار کن وگرنه اختار و بن ✔️ راز دار گروه و اعضا باش و فوش یا توحین نکن 🔴 با ادمین و @ziyuan1bot
In 2021 Skraps started a new telegram group ( and became active on social media again.The first Skraps Official went private and then was deleted. Find out what is going on with the real Skraps ICO/ITO project.
News<br><br><br><br>Zclassicblue discord:<br>ZclassicCE discord:<br>ANON fork: