🇬🇧 English-speak community chat group about STEEM in Telegram❗️Rules:Be respectful📌 Link for your new postshttps://telegram.me/upvotechat✅ We are for high-quality content, don't spam!
Website: https://ark.ioOfficial thread: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=1649695.0Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/ArkEcosystemJoin us in @Crypto for more telegram groups.
Official account of ICOcountdown is @AlexandericoONLY TRUST THE ADMINS WITH A BADGE EVERYONE ELSE IS AN IMPERSONATOR.List of Crowdsales: http://icocountdown.com
In 2021 Skraps started a new telegram group (https://t.me/OfficialSkrapsApp/) and became active on social media again.The first Skraps Official went private and then was deleted. Find out what is going on with the real Skraps ICO/ITO project.
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