Here you can discuss bitcoin, advertise, sell & buy. This room is only for people buying/selling at under market value. Be respectful. DO NOT CALL ANYONE A SCAMMER WITH OUT PROOF. No spamming. Enjoy
Gridcoin - Rewarding BOINC computation on top of Proof of Stake!SPAM === BANGRC website: https://gridcoin.usExplorer: https://gridcoinstats.euBOINC:
🇬🇧 English-speak community chat group about STEEM in Telegram❗️Rules:Be respectful📌 Link for your new posts✅ We are for high-quality content, don't spam!
This is a support and discussion group for Arch Linux.ARM group: group: for the rules.#pin
《《👁🗨❌❌❌👁🗨》》 گروه سوسکی چت قوانین《《👁🗨❌❌❌👁🗨》》لینک دربیو نزار ✔️استیکر فیلم نفرست ✔️ لفت نده چون از دست میدی دست اول بودنتو✔️ با ربات یک بار کار کن وگرنه اختار و بن ✔️ راز دار گروه و اعضا باش و فوش یا توحین نکن 🔴 با ادمین و @ziyuan1bot
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