Official Crypto Discussion Group - spam messages will be deleted.<br><br>Proposals, messages, commercial offers to ? <a href="">@matteoek</a><br><br>✅News channels:<br><a href="">@icovortex</a><br><a href="">@yodacrypto</a>
DisruptBlock is an online publication covering cryptocurrencies and the blockchain technology - everything from news, ICO's, reviews, and market fluctuations, all in one place.
Hi #ICPeople, we are deprecating this group and creating a new OFFICIAL one for the Internet Computer Protocol. all of you to migrate to the new one to enjoy a better experience, contribute to the adoption of ICP,
Official Crypto Discussion Group - spam messages will be deleted.<br><br>Proposals, messages, commercial offers to ? <a href="">@matteoek</a><br><br>✅News channels:<br><a href="">@icovortex</a><br><a href="">@yodacrypto</a>