Astrology Chat, come chat with us.Check out @AstrologyResources to learn more about Astrology. Join @astrology_chat.Can check your MBTI type using @MBTIrobot.
This group is open to anyone to practice English. Group's active hours UTC +7● Rules● Our group for speaking practice at @englishclub_talk● and channel at @englishclub_resourcesPartner Channel @katalogtelegram
歡迎各飲食界朋友交流🍲🍛🥣🍜 生意難做,好工難求。 任何話題都傾得 可以分享下經歷,資訊,一齊進步💪 萬事起頭難,希望建立一個飲食界既小天地。 小店加油!共同創造最好既工作環境,一齊搵多啲🥳 搵工不困難,咪再搵中介~ 請人不用煩,咪俾錢中介~