This group does not violate any Telegram rules. Note that this group operates legally in Iran. Thank you for your cooperation, dear ones, and thank you (@Durov) who created it.
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This group is open to anyone to practice English. Group's active hours UTC +7● Rules● Our group for speaking practice at @englishclub_talk● and channel at @englishclub_resourcesPartner Channel @katalogtelegram
每天都有局,男A女free 群枱,消费枱,任饮枱dd 罗湖:Arena ,Papaya,赫本,超级碗 福田:Richy,Ic,Aga,nomad,Muin,M•in,滚石,boom shake,404 ktv:乐威,音乐在线,k歌王,妆派对,z party,pua 需要订台订房都可以私信我哟