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Discussions around the Elixir programming language.Elixir is a dynamic, functional language designed for building scalable, predictable and maintainable applications.
Products, news, support by Agorise, Ltd.Bringing Agorism to the world, one decentralised, chain-agnostic piece of crypto-infrastructure at a time. Agorism:http://youtu.be/Qdo57DkoQH8?t=55mEncrypted chat/voice: https://PalmPay.chat STAY ON TOPIC.
https://ecex.exchange/ Ecex.Exchange Trading Platform https://info.ecex.exchange/ Information about Ecex.Exchange Ziggurat tokens are the utility tokens for the Ecex.Exchange.
Bloomatch is a decetralized match making protocol. Aimed to bring two different people who posses similar character traits.white paper : http://www.bloomatch.com/docs/bloomatch_whitepaper.pdf
Code, engines, game reviews...Artwork, sprites, pixel art, vector art...Music, sounds, music software...Game story, scenes...If you can appreciate/create this works (image/sound/game/story) join @makeagame
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