? GLOBAL FLYME | MEIZU COMMUNITY ?<br><br>Talk with people around the world about meizu devices!<br><br>? Supporting: Flyme 5, Flyme 6 and Flyme 7 ?<br><br>? Official Links?<br><br>Flyme Chatbox: <a href="https://t.me/FlymeChatbox">@FlymeChatbox</a><br>Flyme Channel: <a href="https://t.me/FlymeTelegram">@FlymeTelegram</a><br>Flyme Firmwares: <a href="https://t.me/FlymeFirmwares">@FlymeFirmwares</a>
Rules: This is a safe for work chat keep things pg. This chat welcomes all ages <18 Rules: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1YJQ3NITxDVdqtOmbKNLpiLp8HgiXhd9DW9PtxTador8/edit?usp=sharing Furmeet posting info at: https://t.me/NorthShoreFursMeets
This group does not violate any Telegram rules. Note that this group operates legally in Iran. Thank you for your cooperation, dear ones, and thank you (@Durov) who created it.
Our official group is @Telegram
Pokemon go 台中交友聊天群嚴禁討論外掛或是GPS修改器不要玩指令!不要玩指令!不要玩指令!請不要任意發送廣告,違者封鎖,謝謝!Tg中文化:@Tele_zh_TWPokemon go 台灣綜合討論群:@PokemonGoTWPokemon Go 台灣區公告:@PokemonGoTWch若有發現散步外掛或廣告請告知 Admin
? GLOBAL FLYME | MEIZU COMMUNITY ?<br><br>Talk with people around the world about meizu devices!<br><br>? Supporting: Flyme 5, Flyme 6 and Flyme 7 ?<br><br>? Official Links?<br><br>Flyme Chatbox: <a href="https://t.me/FlymeChatbox">@FlymeChatbox</a><br>Flyme Channel: <a href="https://t.me/FlymeTelegram">@FlymeTelegram</a><br>Flyme Firmwares: <a href="https://t.me/FlymeFirmwares">@FlymeFirmwares</a>