Welcome to the official IoP Channel. You want to be an active member of the community? join us on discord: https://discord.gg/AjDZd52Official announcement channel: @IoP_news
Consortium of individuals and companies working in decentralisation, blockchain & related technologies. You can also find us on twitter.com/big_org@ethereuminhttps://telegra.ph/What-if-you-spam-07-08
Decentralized global network making the internet blind to borders.🧬 The protocol: https://mysterium.network💰 Run a node:https://mystnodes.com👻 Use MysteriumVPN:https://mysteriumvpn.com
✔Peur marketplace, payment solution & payroll integration. ✔Trust Reputation and Keeping Performance based on BlockchainWebsite: https://peur.io💈 ICO 💈⏰ April 24th - May 28thAccepted currencies:BTC, ETH, LTC and DASH
Omnitude RulesBe polite - No abuse, no discrimination,No FUDNo Spam - inc. No Referral / AD linksNo NSFW ContentEnglish Please- We have other channels for non-English speakers.
一群逗比的大家庭!<br>请遵守以下群规定:<br> - 禁止开车<br> - 禁止讨论政治/宗教 (100%撕逼)<br> - 禁止传播谣言<br> - 禁止讨论免流、黄赌毒<br> - 禁止撕逼 (谩骂/人身攻击等)<br> - 禁止任何形式打广告(包括昵称)<br> - 禁止发布/讨论任何 SS/VPN 网站<br> - 禁止发布 域名/IP 求攻击等借刀杀人行为<br><br>讨论政治的键盘治国分子,看到就踢,欢迎互相监督举报 ( <a href="https://t.me/Toyo233">@Toyo233</a> ) 。<br>————<br>注意:言论自由不代表你想说什么说什么!<br>————<br>逗比根据地 更新通知频道 : <a href="https://t.me/doubi_a">@doubi_a</a>