Waves is a community‑based stack of decentralized open‑source technologies to build scalable, user‑friendly appshttps://waves.techNews: t.me/wavesnewsNote that our support will NEVER ask for your SEED phrase or password or to transfer funds elsewhere
Astrology Chat, come chat with us.Check out @AstrologyResources to learn more about Astrology. Join @astrology_chat.Can check your MBTI type using @MBTIrobot.
Official Civic Network Telegram channel<br><br>Civic.com<br>Official Announcements: t.me/civicnews<br><br>No stickers and advertising.<br><br>Informative links:<br>https://tokensale.civic.com/CivicTokenSaleWhitePaper.pdf<br><br>https://goo.gl/s8BQZZ